Wall paints and Other products

La linea decorativa più completa di sempre. Nel vero stile Italiano.
La linea decorativa più completa di sempre. Nel vero stile Italiano.
La linea decorativa più completa di sempre. Nel vero stile Italiano.
La linea decorativa ispirata alla Sicilia dal genio dei nostri maestri decoratori. minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, om
La linea decorativa ispirata alla Sicilia dal genio dei nostri maestri decoratori. minus id quod maxime placeat facere possimus, om
La linea decorativa più completa di sempre. Capace di creare con ogni singolo effetto, emozioni uniche e indimenticabili.
Wonderfull "Marmorino" effect
Resulting from the ancient synergy of particular marble chips with lime putty, for elegant and original marble - looking opaque and semi - opaque effects. |
A formula that enhances the concept of “circular economy”, thanks also to the use of “secondary” raw materials, derived from responsible recycling and which are reborn in the world of wall design. The contribution of important technical advantages, such as high breathability, greater sound absorption and better regulation of the relative humidity of the air. The result of a long and meticulous research and development phase, totally eco-responsible, carried out by our laboratories and which fully meets the requirements of environmental sustainability. Aesthetic effects of great design and highly sought after, developed and recreated by our master decorators, which are inspired by history, culture and the evolution of the Italian life style. The combination of all these actions gives life to the new line of eco-decorative wall coverings:CALCE & CLAY THE NATURAL WALL DESIGN CONCEPT
Spiver s.r.l. - C.da Babbaurra, SS 122 - 93100 - Caltanissetta - Italy - P. IVA 00170780852 - R.E.A. CL-48645